S1 - EP1: Stereotypes: Challenge for Artist's Dreams


"Art cannot make you rich unless you are really good at it."
"There is no future in art."
"You are wasting your life."

   In this country, Philippines, art has a stereotype that artist won't be successful. Often times, they are called "Starving Artist" (GCU, 2021) because people believe that artist don't earn big money compared to other jobs. But we must know that it's not true. Art is one the most in-demand jobs in the industry. It is versatile and had wide variety. 

    Most of the youth who have the passion for art choose not to pursue it. There are many reasons why. First is because studying art is expensive. It is not suitable for someone who don't have financial stability. All the art materials and the school are not cheap. But even though studying for it is expensive, it is worth it when you graduated. Like I said, art have many in-demand jobs because it is not limited to just making art masterpiece. It is more than that. Art includes photography, writing, literature, music, graphics, dance, drama, and many more. Second reason is many believe that you will not become rich with art. But let me tell you this, art will not only be a way to provide you money, but it would also bring you joy when you are really passionate about it. I'd rather get a job that not only will give me financial stability and joy while doing it than spending my time in office or in field where I would burn out. It's not about being rich, it's about enjoying the life while you still can. Lastly, many believe that it is not an important profession. It is not true for art is everywhere and in everything. It is important because art makes up our society. 

    These stereotypes are not easy to clear. As someone who wants to be an artist someday, these are just some of the things I hear. Still, I won't be discouraged because I know that it is my passion. It is my dream. It might be challenging but I know that I can handle it.

Reference from GCU. (2021, September 21). Overcoming Common Artist Stereotypeshttps://www.gcu.edu/blog/performing-arts-digital-arts/overcoming-common-artist-stereotypes


  1. I think societies nowadays need to look at "Art" in a different perspectives than they used to be. Graphic designer and multimedia arts designing are one of the most profitable jobs nowadays too you know?

    1. Indeed. Many people doesn't realized the fact that art is worthwhile.

  2. Agreed. Thank you for sharing us your journey and knowledge in arts. It was a very inspiring and encouraging blog.

  3. It is really sad that older generations doesn't appreciate the value of art. But at the same time, it is nice to see that most of the youth nowadays pursue their passion towards it.

    1. I agree. I hope the future generations continue to have an open mind when it comes to these things.

  4. It is true that there is a society that does not give importance to art. But it is nice to see that you are capable of standing up for what you are passionate about.

  5. This is true. I think art-related courses here in the Philippines are extremely underrated.

    1. That's right. It is also not being appreciated unlike other profession.

  6. I admire your determination and courage, Ella! I agree with your statement — most of the time, aspiring artists are really discouraged when they tell the world they would pursue it as it is not "practical." Nevertheless, I think that pursuing what you want is what's important. I hope the best for you — I hope to see you be an artist someday! Godspeed, Ella!

  7. I never really gave attention to the art stereotypes before but now that I read this blog, it made me realize that we should really give importance to it. Great blog!

  8. There's money in art! As long as you strive hard, you will definitely be successful with it.

    1. For real!! Artist should really just continue their passion.


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